Factual Wellness: Disrupting the predatory marketing and dubious claims of the $5.6 trillion wellness industry

Seeking angel investors, corporate donors, grants, and philanthropic funding to scale impact and promote health equity to low-income and poverty-affected people with chronic conditions and disabilities.
The Problem
- The $5.6 trillion wellness industry targets vulnerable consumers and drives sales from desperation, fear, and disinformation
- 133 million Americans with chronic illness deserve reliable health information
- No major platform combines scientific rigor, journalism ethics, and empathetic guidance that centers the needs and perspectives of consumers with chronic conditions or disabilities
- Predatory marketing costs consumers thousands in ineffective treatments and harmful therapies
The Solution
Factual Wellness delivers independent, evidence-based analysis of wellness claims, products, and trends, designed to be the go-to, independent platform for dignity and truth:
- Fact-checking wellness industry and influencer claims
- Reporting on supplement safety and scams
- Exposing predatory marketing tactics
- Providing practical, science-backed guidance with immediate impact
- An alternative to polarizing, angry rhetoric that educates with empathy, clarity, and curiosity
Market Opportunity

- Primary audience: 133M Americans with chronic illness and 70M with disabilities1,2
- Hyper focused segment: People with autoimmune (50M), neurological (100M), inflammatory (125M), and gastrointestinal disorders (70M) targeted by unproven diets, supplements, and wellness interventions3,4,5,6
- Secondary audience: Stressed, health-conscious consumers who are tired of fear-mongering and scare tactics
People with chronic conditions are one of the most highly motivated groups. That's why wellness, nutrition, and diet-themed books are perpetual bestsellers. But they deserve facts, not fear.
Traction & Impact
Readers love the fact-first, practical journalism of Factual Wellness. It was soft-launched in September 2024 after months of development. In that short amount of time, and with no existing platform, it has already made a sizable impact.
- Consumers have saved thousands by avoiding ineffective treatments that were marketed as "proven"
- One story alone compelled corrective language from a NYT-bestselling influencer who marketed to people with disabilities and chronic disease
- 11.8k reached in less than 2 months: with no ads and <1k followers
- >50% email open rates and a 2x list size in <6 weeks
And this is just the beginning.
Competitive Advantage

Mia McNew, MS, PhDc
Founder and editor-in-chief, Factual Wellness
- Founder has worked in editorial for 20+ years and is a journalist, PhD candidate, critical research analyst, and part of the demographic served by the publication
- Unique position bridging scientific rigor, journalistic fact-checking, and lived experience
- No competing platform offers similar depth of analysis, relevant reporting, or POV
- Strong relationships with academic, medical, advocacy, and patient communities
Business Model
- Open-access journalism funded through philanthropic support, strategic partnerships, and corporate donations
- Grant funding
- Passive income from books, voluntary reader contributions, and professional training (workshops and seminars)
- Mission-driven LLC with fiscal sponsorship, enabling both profit potential and social impact funding opportunities
Investment Opportunity
Funds will be used to:
- Fuel outreach to underserved, marginalized communities
- Form an online, accessible, paywall-free community independent from social media algorithms and echo chambers
- Scale content production
- Expand investigative reporting capabilities
- Triple reach in the first quarter of 2025 with the official launch at the start of "diet season"
Social Impact Metrics
- Consumer savings from avoided ineffective treatments
- Reach within chronic illness and disability communities
- Industry accountability improvements like the formation of a Wellness Code of Ethics (currently in development with academic and healthcare leaders)
- Health literacy and critical thinking impact measurements
Get in touch with Mia, the founder of Factual Wellness, to discuss collaboration or contribution.
- https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC5876976/
- https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2024/s0716-Adult-disability.html
- https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2024/02/women-autoimmune.html
- https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC7607495/
- https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/new-inflammatory-disease-discovered
- https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/health-statistics/digestive-diseases